Pheromone Shop


Posted by Publisher | 9:47 PM


New Concept in Pheromone Technology

Old Concept in Perfumery

Ancient secrets of aphrodisia meet modern pheromone science

Pheros - Natural Cologne for Men

Natural smells please our senses and emotions in ways that synthetic aromas cannot . As a result, a well composed natural perfume can draw us in, keep us in its primal mystery; arouse; haunt us; and leave us wanting more.

Pheros is an erotic, polyamorous marriage of over 100 essences . A large number of these are reputed to be aphrodisiacs and pheromones. Its precious wood, musk, and spice notes should enhance your natural appeal; evoking feelings of intimacy and pleasure in yourself and others.

This ancient love potion now augmented with the latest in pheromone technology. This special limited edition of Pheros created for by:

Dr. SmellThis Portland, Oregon

18 ml bottle

Shake before using

Keep away from strong heat and light

Price :$69.95

Special :$59.95